Why Choose an Associate in Public Safety Administration?

Public safety administration degrees give students an opportunity to work with law enforcement, security, and emergency response leadership. They may become professionals in this field or go on to work in other areas, such as asset-threat emergency response, preparedness, recovery, disaster mitigation, and others.
While a bachelor’s degree in this field may take upwards of four years and 120 credit hours, an associate program usually takes two years or less and has 60 credits or fewer. The cost of these programs ranges significantly depending on the specific courses provided and if the school offers internships or mentorships.
Top 5 Associate in Public Safety Administration
Rank | School | Location |
1 | Bladen Community College | Bladen County, North Carolina |
2 | Piedmont Community College | Roxboro, North Carolina |
3 | Durham Technical Community College | Durham, North Carolina |
4 | Sullivan University | Louisville, Kentucky |
5 | Cincinnati State Technical and Community College | Cincinnati, Ohio |
Choosing an Associate in Public Safety Administration
There are several job options in this field. One is to become a police, fire, or ambulance dispatcher. In that field, students can expect to earn a median wage of around $41,910 annually or more with an associate or bachelor’s degree. This career usually offers on-the-job training and is in a field with rapid growth. This field is expected to grow by 6% and to add another 6,100 jobs within the decade between 2019 and 2029.
Students with associate’s degrees may also go on to work as police or detectives earning a median salary of $65,170 annually. This career is one with significant growth, and it’s expected to add an additional 40,600 jobs between 2019 and 2029.
All schools are different. When you look for a degree program, you may want to look for one that is flexible with online options or a hybrid program, one that meets on weekends or in the evening, or one with a specific focus in your preferred area of interest, such as policing or counter-terrorism.
The following eight schools offer an associate degree in public safety. These schools are listed from our top choice to the last choice based on tuition rates and enrollment numbers. Don’t see a program that you’re interested in joining here? We’d be happy to help you search based on your specific requirements for your education.
The Best 8 Schools with an Associate in Public Safety Administration
Bladen Community College
Bladen Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science in Public Safety Administration. This program consists of between 64 and 68 credit hours and may be completed in around two years.
school overview
Piedmont Community College
Piedmont Community College offers an Associate in Applied Science in Public Safety Administration in Roxboro, North Carolina. This program is flexible and consists of 67 to 68 credit hours. Students can take the coursework online or in person.
school overview
Durham Technical Community College
Durham Technical Community College offers a 64-credit-hour Associate of Applied Science in Public Safety Administration. The program can be completed in as few as 18 months on a rapid track, making it ideal for people looking to move up at work or to start a new career. Durham Tech has the only PSA program with a transfer partnership to an N.C. University.
school overview
Sullivan University
Sullivan University offers an Associate in Criminal Justice that has the option of online courses. Graduates can work in law enforcement, social services, emergency management, or other areas. This program generally takes two years to complete, but students taking it part-time may take longer.
school overview
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science in Public Safety Technology. This program consists of 62 credit hours and is an affordable option for most students. It focuses on topics like border security and counter-terrorism. This program has a few more credits than some others, so students may further specialize.
school overview
Dallas College
At Dallas College, students take 60 credit hours of courses to obtain the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice and Public Safety. The program takes only four semesters, and it focuses on teaching students to work in the criminal justice system as members of law enforcement, private security or other areas. Students can take this court part- or full-time, allowing them to work while they are in school if necessary.
school overview
Century College
Century College offers an Associate in Applied Science in Public Safety. This program consists of 60 credit hours and is designed for both new, incoming students and people already working in the field. The program is available part- or full-time.
school overview
Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Community College offers an Associate of Applied Science in Homeland Security and Public Safety. The 60-credit-hour program is available across all of Ivy Tech’s campuses and prepares students to work with governmental agencies or within their local communities.
school overview
Ranking Methodology
The schools in this article have been ranked from our top choice to our last choice based on their total enrollment rates as well as tuition rates. First, the tuition rates were collected and ranked from the lowest rate to the highest rate. Then, the enrollment rates were ranked from the lowest enrollment to the highest. Lower tuition and enrollment rates were scored more favorably, because they suggest a better value for the money.
All of the data on this list has been collected in good faith. While that is the case, this list is subject to change and cannot be guaranteed.
Do You Want to Know More About Your School’s Listing?
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