Top 2 Chiropractic Schools in Texas in 2025

January 13, 2025 | Admin

Chiropractic Schools in Texas

If you are interested in becoming a chiropractor and wish to complete your education in the State of Texas, then we have some good news for you. There are two top-notch chiropractic programs in the State of Texas: one at Parker University and the other is Texas Chiropractic College. Both of these programs have well-respected histories of producing Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) who have gone on to satisfying and rewarding careers. If you are passionate about helping people and want a hands-on, fulfilling career, then the field of Chiropractic medicine may be the right choice for you. In this post, we will offer some general information about the process of becoming a doctor of chiropractic medicine then offer in-depth information about both of these schools. Some of the points covered will include minimal admission criteria, length and structure of program, statistics about job placement, and much more. Remember, only you can determine which is the best fit for you. This is something we say in a lot of our lists, but we want to provide you with helpful information to help you make your choice.

Top 2 Chiropractic Schools in Texas

1. Parker University:

Location: Dallas, Texas

Tuition: $11,560 per semester ($115,600 for the entire program)

Program Length: 3.5 – 4 years

Founded in 1982, Parker University (formerly known as the Parker College of Chiropractic Medicine) prides itself on training high-achieving professionals who are community-minded and business-savvy. With just around 1,000 students, studying at Parker gives you a world-class chiropractic education while balancing a small-school field. You will not be lost in a crowd at Parker, you will be an integral part of the campus, the department, and the community. Based in the exciting city of Dallas, you can look forward to living and thriving while studying at Parker. Let’s first talk about what Parker University expects from applicants to their Doctor of Chiropractic program.

First off, you do not need to have earned a bachelor’s degree in order to be admitted to Parker University’s DC program. However, it should be noted that some states require DCs to have earned a Bachelor’s degree in order to meet licensure requirements. In the case that you are accepted to Parker University’s DC program without a BA or BS, you can earn a Bachelors of Science degree through Parker while completing your DC. This way, you will be prepared to meet the licensure requirements of all 50 states in the US.

Second, while you do not need to have completed a Bachelors degree before applying to or being accepted into Parker University, you need to have completed at least 90 credit hours of undergraduate coursework from an accredited institution. 24 of those 90 credit hours need to have been taken in life or physical sciences. In terms of grades, you need to earn a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) at minimum to be considered for admission. You also need to have taken some prerequisite courses. Applicants need to have taken Human Anatomy or General Chemistry. Parker’s website contains a list of classes that can satisfy the remaining 21 – 18 credit hours of prerequisite courses. Parker also encourages applicants to take one or two courses in the humanities and social sciences so as to be a well-rounded candidate.

Third, in some cases, the admissions committee may ask applicants to interview or take an exam before a decision is made regarding admission.

Let’s talk courses and time to degree. The academic workload during a DC program is rigorous, with students expected to take 24 – 26 credit hours per semester. The program at Parker is spread out over 10 tri-mester terms, taking 3.5 – 4 years to complete. The final three terms are all spent engaging in hands-on practicums in order to balance out the classroom work. It is challenging, but rewarding curriculum. On average, 83% of Parker University DC students make it to graduation. This excellent retention rate suggests a supportive program that is centered on student success.

Finally, we are going to cover post-graduation success for Parker graduates. Over four years, Parker Graduates have passed the NCBE licensure exam on the first try 84% of the time. This means you can get to work faster, with your licensure earned and ready to go.

We hope this brief survey of the DC program at Parker University has proved helpful. If you are interested or have more questions, we suggest you log onto their website.

2. Texas Chiropractic College

Location: Pasadena, Texas

Tuition: $119,125 for the entire program

Program Length: 10 trimesters (3.5-4 years)

Texas Chiropractic College is one of the oldest chiropractic colleges in the United States. Founded in 1908, TCC has graduated generations of chiropractors and continues to mold hundreds of DC students every year at their campus in Pasadena, Texas. TCC is home to approximately 300 DC students. This means you will be attending a school that is entirely centered on chiropractics. With a small student body, you will develop real camaraderie and community while studying at TCC. Studying here will be a unique opportunity and can help begin your chiropractic career on a high note.

In terms of admission standards and minimums, TCC shares many with Parker University. This includes having completed 90 credit hours of undergraduate coursework at an accredited institution. Like Parker, TCC offers a BS program that you can earn whilst completing your DC. At minimum, you should have earned a 3.0 GPA in your undergraduate coursework. Some wiggle room may be allowed, but if you have less than a 2.75 or have not completed 90 credit hours then you will be not be offered admission to the DC program.

Almost identical to Parker, DC students will earn their doctorate degree over ten trimesters. Each trimester lasts approximately 15 weeks. During this time, you will be taking lots of courses and the academic standards will be high. The final two terms, rather than three, will be spent full-time completing hands-on clinical tasks. 74% of TCC students complete their DC program with four years.

When it comes to passing the national licensure exam, 85% of TCC graduates pass the NCBE on the first attempt within six months of graduation.

If you wish to find out more about the program at Texas Chiropractic College, we suggest you browse their website.

No matter which of these schools you may choose to attend, both are equipped with faculty, facilities, and history necessary to help you achieve your life and professional goals. Good luck with the application process and we hope our page has helped you.

We hope that our list has been helpful in guiding your research into graduate school and programs. Our list does not include any paid or preferred listings. It is prepared subjectively, using several metrics, including (but not limited to): tuition per credit hour, acceptance rate, number of programs offered, and availability of funding. If you are a representative for a university and want to contact us about a) your schools ranking or b) the fact your school is not included, please feel free to get in touch. We welcome feedback and input. For more programs, check out our chiropractic programs in California. Thank you for reading our list!

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