State University of New York – Downstate Medical Center
The State University of New York – Downstate Medical Center is the top-ranked of the many accelerated nursing programs in NY State. It offers an accelerated Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. This 60-credit program includes residencies at local healthcare facilities to give students practical experience.
School Overview
Lehman College
Lehman College is one of the campuses of the City College of New York (CCNY) system. It offers an accelerated nursing program for students who already have a bachelor’s in another field. This program can be completed in only 15 months.
School Overview
Hunter College
Hunter College is another CCNY institution. It offers an accelerated BSN program. This program takes 18 months to complete.
School Overview
Binghamton University
Binghamton University is a member of the SUNY system. It offers an accelerated BSN that can be completed in only 12 months. Students only need to attend for three semesters.
School Overview
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University is yet another member of the SUNY system. It offers an accelerated BSN program that can be completed in only 12 months. This degree qualifies students to take the RN exam.
School Overview
University at Buffalo
The University at Buffalo is another SUNY institution with a top-notch accelerated nursing program. This program is a BSN for students who already have a degree in another field. It takes 12 months to complete.
School Overview
Utica College
![Outdoor view of college campus](https://www.bestvalueschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Utica-College-2-1.jpg)
Utica College is a small private institution with a world-class accelerated nursing program. It offers an accelerated BSN degree. This program has a rolling admissions policy, and students can start at three different times throughout the year.
School Overview
Phillips School of Nursing at Mount Sinai Beth Israel
Mount Sinai Beth Israel is considered one of the best hospitals in the region. It offers an accelerated nursing program through the Phillips School of Nursing at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. Its accelerated BSN can be completed in only 15 months.
School Overview
Molloy College
![Nursing students working with dummy patient in mock hospital room](https://www.bestvalueschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/molloy.jpg)
Molloy College offers an accelerated BSN degree for students who already have a degree in another field. This program is actually a dual BSN/MSN degree. Students can choose to enter the workforce after completing their BSN or to continue their studies at the graduate level.
School Overview
Niagara University
Niagara University is another small private institution with a powerhouse accelerated nursing program. Its accelerated BSN can be completed in only one year. Niagara is a Catholic university, but students of all faiths can attend.
School Overview
Dominican College of Blauvelt
The Dominican College of Blauvelt is well-known for its health sciences programs, including its accelerated nursing program. Its accelerated BSN can be completed in only a year. This program starts in May of each year.
School Overview
Long Island University
Long Island University is one of the top nursing schools in the area. It offers an accelerated BSN that can be completed in 16 months. Students must already have a degree in another field to be eligible for this degree.
School Overview
Adelphi University
Adelphi University is one of the top nursing institutions on Long Island. It offers an accelerated BSN that can be completed in 14 months. This program starts once a year in the summer semester.
School Overview
College of Mount Saint Vincent
The College of Mount Saint Vincent is a Catholic institution, though students do not have to be Catholic to attend. Its accelerated BSN takes a year and a half to complete. It is available at both the Riverdale and Manhattan locations.
School Overview
New York University
New York University is one of the most prestigious institutions in the state, and its nursing program contributes to this reputation. It offers an accelerated BSN program that is only open to students who already have a degree in another field.
School Overview
Wagner College
Wagner College offers the leading accelerated nursing program on Staten Island. As with many of the other institutions on this list, it offers an accelerated BSN that is designed for students with a degree in another field. This program can be completed in 15 months.
School Overview
University of Rochester
The University of Rochester offers one of the top accelerated nursing programs in Upstate New York. It offers an accelerated BSN degree. This program can be completed in only 12 months.
School Overview
Columbia University
Columbia University offers an accelerated nursing program that is a little different from the other programs on this list. All the other programs offer accelerated BSN degrees, while Columbia offers an accelerated MSN degree. This program is designed for students who have a degree in a different field. It can be completed in 15 months.
School Overview
Hartwick College
Hartwick College is a small private institution with a leading nursing program. Its accelerated nursing BSN can be completed in 18 months. Students have the unique opportunity to get an education in Rural Health Nursing through this program. This program starts in the summer semester each year.
School Overview
Pace University
Pace University is a prestigious New York City university that would have been ranked higher if not for its pricey tuition. It offers an accelerated BSN program that can be completed in only one year. This program is a BSN that is only open to those who already have a degree in another field. This program offers both spring and fall start dates.
School Overview
Our Ranking Methodology
Our rankings are determined by our proprietary formula. This formula takes two statistics from each school, namely yearly tuition rate and graduation rate, and uses them to come up with a rating for each school. When calculating a ranking for public schools, we only looked at their in-state tuition rate. Our formula takes the tuition rate and adds a multiplier that is taken from the percentage of students who enrolled but did not graduate. Here’s an example: ABC College has a yearly tuition rate of $40,000 and a graduation rate of 60%. Its rating would be 58,000 (40,00 x 140%). Lower ratings are a positive indication of quality with our formula.
If you’re looking for the best accelerated nursing programs in NY State, our site has what you’re searching for.
Representatives of the schools on this list can contact us to request corrections or ask questions.